About Us

Welcome to the website of the Newcastle Rail & Catering Branch of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport workers.

Newcastle Rail & Catering Branch has over 1000 members organised across many different industries and sectors.

Most of our members are employed by a Train Operating Company such as Northern or London North Eastern Railway. Within the TOCs we organise all grades from on board roles such as guards and catering staff to station and retail grades based on stations and in booking offices. We have members in the taxi trade and at the DHL warehouse in Prudhoe. Network Rail operations staff such as signallers are also organised within the Branch.

The Branch continues to expand with an almost doubling of members in the last 5 years we are continually recruiting and retaining members, expanding into new sites and locations.

The success of the union and this Branch depends on YOU the members. At regular Branch meetings this is your opportunity to participate in your union. Through the democratic organised structures any member can help shape union policy. By submitting resolutions to the National Executive Committee and by attending Grades Conferences or the Annual General Meeting and advisory committees.

Information from head office is briefed to members in attendance at Branch via official circulars. Reps and activists report back on any workplace issues and senior officials from the union often report back on the important issues and campaigns.


1.What is the Branch?

Every member of the union is organised into a Branch. You are a member of Newcastle Rail & Catering Branch as your grade and employer falls within our Branch “sphere of influence”. This means that workers are organised within defined boundaries that best suit their collective needs.


2.What does the Branch do?

The Branch is responsible for local organisation and administration. This includes arranging events such as attendance at demonstrations and meetings. Supporting and encouraging local representatives and assisting them in union / workplace matters. Acting as the link between the rank and file members and the union regionally and nationally.

3.The Branch, the union and me!

Every member of the union is able to influence and set policy through the unions democratic structures. Members can attend a Branch meeting and submit a resolution (a written document on an issue they want the union to attend to). The resolution is then submitted to the National Executive Committee (the geographical union cabinet) that instructs the General Secretary accordingly. 

4. Communicating to members.

The Branch briefs members on correspondence and communications received from Head Office these are called official “circulars”. These are read out at the monthly Branch meetings and displayed on noticeboards in workplaces. Union election and ballot results, nominations for Trade Union Congress and National Industrial Organising Conferences delegates are nominated by the Branch. 


5.Benefits and services.

Members are entitled to various benefits and services such as accident, retirement and legal assistance. It is a function of the Branch to administer these important benefits and instigate the legal procedures for our members. 


6.Labour movement and wider community.

The Branch works with other trade unions and political, community groups to advance our interests as a class. This includes work on campaigning around common issues such as pensions and laws as well as using the political process to gain advances for our shared interests aims and goals


A typical agenda for a Branch meeting includes:

•Reports (from the workplaces covered by the branch; on recruitment; and on individual cases being pursued on behalf of branch members)

•Correspondence (such as circulars from head office; appeals for support from other labour movement organisations)

•Resolutions (also sometimes called motions).  Members bring resolutions to the branch which, if they are agreed to by the majority of people at the meeting, are submitted to the RMT National Executive Committee for its consideration.

•Recruitment and organisation (e.g. allocating recruitment tasks; organising picketing or leafleting duties)

•Co-ordination of local representatives; supporting them and, if necessary, calling them to account

•Nominations and Elections

The Branch may send delegates to grades conferences.  These are conferences that address issues of specific interest to particular areas of work (such as road freight; buses; catering; or engineering) and are entitled to submit two resolutions to the AGM.  In addition, the RMT runs the following national advisory conferences: health & safety; retired members; young members; women; black & ethnic minority members; and lesbian, gay & bisexual members.  The only way to get to these conferences is through your branch.  Branches are also where nominations are made for all the nationally elected positions in the union (such as the president, general secretary, assistant general secretaries and members of the NEC) and delegates to TUC conferences.

RMT is a democratic union which encourages and relies upon the involvement of the members. By attending branch meetings and getting involved in your union….

It reinforces the fact that you’re not alone

It allows you to have direct input into union policy making

It allows representatives and activists from across the union to share experience and knowledge

It allows you to participate in the wider trade union movement as a delegate.

Attendance at branch meetings enables members not only to keep themselves informed of what is happening in the union at local, regional and national level but also to keep the branch informed of what is happening in workplaces.